Previous Shows: 2014: Fresh as Form: Judith Farr
Judith Farr (London, 1981) expresses herself through her paintings; a few years ago she started making abstract investigations so as to develop her own visual language. This year she’s begun an MFA at the Open College for the Arts (UK) in order to continue exploring and expanding on her practice.
"I use my subconscious to investigate formal elements of painting and drawing as well as materials. I try to break my own self imposed rules about form and content and surprise myself. I explore the conflict between the need to control an outcome and the desire to let go, and therein I find the unexpected."
"I am open to self discovery through the creative process and so I try to embrace the formal, intellectual and emotional difficulties that emerge as I work and follow where they lead."
She is currently living in Catalonia, Spain with her partner and daughter, and expecting a baby boy in April.