Previous Shows: 2014: Fresh as Form: Essay
"Fresh as Form brings together painters who are united in their approach to form. To them, it is not something forewarned, to be considered and worked around. There are no rules or compositional guidelines that must be adhered to.
Instead, form is in constant flux, being extinguished and renewed as the painting develops. Form is sought out like a rare pearl, wading through muddled terrain, shoveling paint across the surface, uncovering old marks and redefining them anew.
Like some sort of painter's code; brush lines carve out new contours, positive space becomes negative space, blue lines become an ocean in the distance and then settle back into their pictorial space once more.
Change is welcome and necessary in the pursuit of forms that satisfy the painter’s own hand, mind and the painting itself. Perhaps form is not finite, but as fresh as the moment of the gaze...”
--Written by Aubrey Levinthal, Derrick Quevedo and Lauren Garvey